
"From Justice Never Injustice"
Pray for the Bridgen Family

"Dedicated her talents to God who Gave them"
Pray for the Daley & Pippen Families

"You are Peter"
Pray for John Galea

"Lord make me an Instrument of your peace"
Pray for the Thurn Family

"I have run the race I fought the good fight"
Pray for the O'Brien & Noon Family

"Pray for Us"
Pray for Vicki O'Brien

"Know that I am with you always"
Pray for the Madsen Family

"He is not here He is risen"
Pray for Dorothy Richardson

"Wait here and keep awake with me"
Pray for the Forbes & Luscombe Families

"Come follow Me"
Pray for the Linda Bruchhauser Family

"God is with Us"
Pray for Louis & Margaret Galea & Family

"Trust in God and do not fear"
Pray for the St. Joseph Sisters

"I have a Dream"
Pray for the Bourke & Cain Families

"In Union with Christ we form one Body"
Pray for the Lahood Family

"I was sick, I was Homeless"
Pray for the Cleary & Petith Families

"A man can have no greater love"
Pray for George & Pauline Daley and Family

"Let the Children come unto me"
Pray for the Good Samaritan Sisters

Pray for the O'Grady & Purcell Families

Pray for the Fitzpatrick Family
