

5 June 2024

Full details of baptism arrangements can be found here here.

Baptism enrolment form can be downloaded here.

For baptism bookings up until the end of August 2024, please call the parish office on 4655 8797.

Bookings for baptisms in September 2024 will be open Wednesday 3 July.  Please call from 9.00am.

For Adult Baptism, Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation


Weekend Mass attendance is an integral part of our sacramental programmes. If you cannot commit to this, please do not sign up.


For the Penance programme in 2024, registrations have now closed.  A back-up programme will begin in July/August for those who are currently in year 3 or higher. Please check back here closer to the date for sign up.


For the Confirmation programme for 2024, registrations will open during April 2024.  Children need to be in at least year 6 at school to participate in this programme.


2024 First Holy Communion programme will commence in September 2024. After having celebrated the Sacrament of Penance, children can be enrolled by their parents in the First Holy Communion programme.  


Adult Baptisms preparation progamme will begin in June 2024. Please email the parish office to register your interest for our 2024 programme.


On the edge of the Sydney metropolitan, Camden is an historic and iconic town in the state of New South Wales. As a result of its rural and agricultural heritage, it is often thought of as the birthplace of the nation’s wealth.

Over recent decades, however, many parts of Camden have become increasingly urbanised and, notwithstanding its historic character, it is an area with many young families that is full of youth and vitality. There are many weddings.

Couples aspiring to be married in the parish need to come to Mass on a Saturday evening or a Sunday and collect a marriage information pack. The enclosed information will summarise the conditions attached with being married in the Catholic Church and in our own parish.

If after having read this information, the bride and groom are agreeable and happy to continue, then they are most welcome to ring the presbytery for an interview with one of the priests to book in the wedding details. It ought to be noted, though, that secular and worldly pop music are not permitted in our sacred ceremonies.

Marriage pack can also be downloaded here.

Anointing of the Sick

A Mass of Anointing of the Sick is offered on the first Tuesday of every month at 9:00 AM in either the chapel or the church. The Sacrament of Anointing is also administered in the local hospital, palliative care and the various aged-care residences of the parish. Clergy are most willing to visit the housebound to administer the sacrament.

It ought to also be noted that the sacrament can be administered to people before surgery and who are expected to recover to full health.

The Sacrament of Anointing is administered for physical and spiritual healing. In palliative care where death is inevitable, the sacrament is administered to bring a spiritual healing so that the dying person will receive the forgiveness of sins, and be comforted in passing from this world to the next.

Holy Orders

Men interested in the priesthood ought to first contact one of the local clergy. The priesthood is a vocation of extraordinary treasure, and a most unique and precious way of sharing in the great priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. In exercising his sanctifying office, the priest acts in persons Christi, that is to say, in the person of Christ.